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Your Quick Guide to Virtual Medical Scribe Careers

Are you interested in virtual medical scribe careers

Since the pandemic, remote scribes have been increasingly in demand. 

DocVA virtual assistants


The healthcare industry has appreciated their great benefits for physicians’ work-life balance, productivity, and patient care. 

If you want to become a remote scribe, here’s a quick guide for you:

What’s a virtual medical scribe?

A medical scribe is like a productivity partner. They help doctors record patient encounters from a remote location, helping them focus more on providing high-quality care. 

Aside from documenting electronic medical records, medical scribes can also help with other administrative tasks:

  • Managing patient files

  • Answering insurance inquiries

  • Scheduling follow-up appointments. 

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Benefits of being a medical scribe

1. Empower healthcare teams

Remote medical scribe jobs allow you to expand your healthcare skills, empower care teams, and increase the efficiency of healthcare practices. 

2. Gain practical experience

You will learn from seasoned healthcare providers (HPs) how to apply your theoretical medical knowledge to real-life situations. Nothing beats learning acquired from actual experience. 

3. Collaborate with doctors Medical Virtual Scribe work

Not only do you learn from HPs but you will also work with them to improve care delivery systems. You won’t be playing a passive role in the healthcare facility. 

4. Flexibility 

Since you’ll be working remotely, you have the freedom to work anywhere you like — from your own home or from a coworking space. You can also work anytime, unless your employer requires you to work with them within hours that overlap with their clinic hours. 

5. Learn and apply HIPAA regulations 

Aside from being able to work from your own home, you can sharpen your knowledge in HIPAA regulations. When you work as a scribe, you’ll learn when to apply those regulations, shaping you into a reliable member of the healthcare team. 

Skills and qualifications of medical scribes

Essential requirements

If you have the majority of these skills, you will likely get hired:

  • Excellent typing skills – You’ll need to accurately transcribe the patients’ details into the EHR system

  • Solid knowledge of medical terminology – Helps you easily transcribe the data from the encounters in the right context. You will also ask for fewer clarifications. 

  • Familiarity with HIPAA regulations – This helps your employer feel more reassured that you’re working with their patients’ privacy rights in mind 

  • Strong verbal, oral, and written communication skills – Necessary for communicating with clinical care providers and teams 

  • Proficiency in electronic medical records (EHR) systems – Helps you easily navigate your employer’s system, saving time and effort on training

  • Collaboration skills with healthcare providers – Good interpersonal skills help you secure a solid working relationship with your colleagues and superiors 

  • Time management skills – Helps you become organized and more efficient with your short-term and long-term goals

Not always required

These aren’t always required by employers but can help you get the job faster:

  • Nationally recognized certifications for medical scribes

  • Knowledge of cybersecurity protocols

Salary of a virtual medical scribe 

  • ZipRecruiter shared that an entry-level virtual scribe can earn an average of $19.44 per hour, as of August 2024. 

  • The highest-paying states in the US include Arizona, New York, and California. 

  • Top virtual scribe earners in this industry earn an average of $55,000 per year. 

Where to start becoming a virtual scribe

Simply Hired 

VA of DocVA

They’re a great resource for finding medical scribe job opportunities, including remote and on-site work setups. 

American Healthcare Documentation Professionals Group 

They provide extensive training resources and medical certification for aspiring medical scribe professionals. 

Association of American Medical Colleges

They offer aspiring medical scribes a day-in-the-life resource to help them understand their daily work and responsibilities. 

Where to find remote medical scribe jobs


DocVA hires remote medical scribes, receptionists, and assistants. They also have answering services. 


They offer remote scribe jobs to premed students and healthcare workers. 


ProScribe offers entry-level in-person and offshore medical scribe opportunities. They cater to emergency departments and clinics nationwide. 

About Nathan Barz, CEO, DocVA

Nathan Barz is dedicated to integrating virtual assistants into healthcare practices across the United States, Canada, and beyond. With firsthand experience in healthcare, he has successfully implemented virtual medical assistant services in numerous practices, improving profitability and service quality and reducing staff burnout. Nathan firmly believes virtual assistants are the solution to addressing staffing shortages and economic challenges in the healthcare industry.

View all posts by Nathan Barz, CEO, DocVA